10 Horribly Inappropriate Yet Awesome Valentines Day Gifts

Heart Gelatin Mold
Don’t break my heart… But you can jiggle it!
$8.95 via BaronBob.com
heart mold










Underwear for 2
Get close.. Extra close
$11.95 via BaronBob.com











Bacon Lube and Massage Oil

Make your bedroom smell like the kitchen… err.. something like that.

$14.95 via Stupid.com
bacon lube











Shit Bitch You Is Fine Bear
A classic gift with a classy twist!
$17-$26 via LoveIsLame.com











Edible Candy Bra
You have tried spicing up your love life, how about making it sweeter.
$10.99 via BaronBob.com

candy bra











Gummy Bear Anatomy Model
Speaking of sweet… and odd..
$34.95 via BaronBob.com











Candy Pooping Love Monster
Nothing says love like a candy pooper.
$6.95 via Stupid.com












Brain Candle
Candles are sweet, a well thought out gift is sweet, why not combine the two.
$19.99 via ThinkGeek.com

brain candle











Control your Man or Woman Talking Remote
$12.95 via BaronBob.com













Dirty Valentine Hearts
$6.95 via Stupid.com

dirty valentine hearts

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